Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Sources of Pollution and Their Effect - 1081 Words

Air pollution used to be a natural occurrence that had no major effects on the Earths inhabitants. Such instances were caused by forest fires, emission from the Earth, and volcanoes. It was not until humans discovered how to start and control fire that we started over polluting the planet. For many years cities have struggled through thick smog due to dense smoke emissions. Officials, like in Los Angeles, have tried to adopt multiple measures to combat the smog but the city, and the rest of the world, continued to boom in industry. Thus, overwhelming the air pollution reforms the city tried to enforce. However, it was not until about seventy-one years ago during the height of World War Two, when the dire consequences of air pollution began to dramatically increase. Instead of a foreign enemy attacking the city of Los Angeles, it was a domestic one, smog. On July 26, 1943 downtown Los Angeles was covered in smoke and fumes. The smog was extreme to the extent that it cut off visibility of three blocks. This spontaneous â€Å"gas attack† came about in the middle of a heat wave. For the citizens it was unbearable. They suffered from throat-scraping and eye stinging sensations. The people soon realized that something must have gone wrong.. The day after the incident, the city officials blamed the Southern California Gas Co.s Aliso Street plant for the catastrophe. In order to stop the smog, the angry public had the plant shut down temporarily. Yet they were unpleasantly surprised toShow MoreRelatedCauses And Effects Of Pollution1578 Words   |  7 Pages2014 The Causes and Effects of Pollution There are constant news reports about pollution and how it’s destroying earth and how it helps the greenhouse effect on Earth’s atmosphere. There are many different sources of pollution, even some that may not seem likely to produce so much. There are many causes of pollution in the environment. 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