Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business Process Model & Notation (BPMN) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Process Model & Notation (BPMN) - Essay Example The clients and all other players are easily handled. However, to understand the effect of a BPMN process a real life example would be more effective. Business process modeling notation finds a professional real life application in the banking industry. Typical BPMN procedures follow three basic steps: the start event, the gateway and the end event (Allweyer et al. 16). In the event that a customer enters a bank to apply for a loan, the credit officer follows a set out procedure. The process would involve reviewing the client for eligibility then providing an application form. These two events constitute the start event. Secondly, after the client has filled the application, the banker follows a set criterion to study the application. The step here is the gateway. If the client qualifies for the loan, they are informed. The transaction then proceeds through to the end event where the money is disbursed. However, if the client fails the process returns to gateway and the client is notified of the decision. The management through a BPMN process already sets out all these procedures. Business process modeling notation sets out the procedures for engagement between an organization and its stakeholders. It serves to ensure all business transactions follow a well set out criteria and minimizes conflict (Allweyer et al. 90). The members within an organization also work within a set framework where information flows

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Renaissance Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Renaissance Europe - Essay Example And can this hypothetical scenario ever be materialized. An etymology for this word say a lot about the possibility of such existence, it was originated by Sir Thomas More (7 February 1478 - 6 July 1535), and used for the first time in his Latin book "Concerning the highest state of the republic and the new island Utopia" published in 1516. Interestingly his conviction in this state could be inferred from the fact that he conjoined two Greek words 'ou' for NOT and 'topos' for PLACE to form a word that literally means "nowhere." Sir Thomas More or Saint Thomas More as he is also refered to was an English lawyer, author, and statesman. He was highly regarded as a humanist scholar, he was bearer of many important public posts including that of Lord Chancellor from 1529 to 1532 in his illustrious career (Roper, 1626). Another cause clbre for which he is remembered is his refusal to accept King Henry VIII as the supreme head of the Church of England. It was his this bold stance that elevated him to the level of great people and his courage and conviction to remain steadfast at the face of adversity earned him the sainthood from the Catholic Church by Pope Pius XI in 1935 about four hundred years after his death. Apart from his principled defiance to the authority he is best known for his most famous and controversial book that was published in 1516 in which he for the first time used the word utopia. In this book he tells of a imaginary character Raphael Hythloday who is a traveler, extensive allegory is used to make the story more powerful and appealing; like the first name is ingeniously used to allude to the archangel Raphael, who is the messenger of truth. And surname in Greek means "dispenser of nonsense". The book is about political set up of fictitious place Utopia, it's a place where there is no concept of private ownership and different faiths are practiced freely and inter faith tolerance is firmly in placed. It is an embodiment of perfect destination where everything is desirable politically, culturally, socially, education wise and economically. With specific consideration to exceptional tolernce to varied forms of opinion and diversity. The purpose of presenting this unique and perfect state was to provide some form of imaginative yard stick at least to measure or correlate the certain dynamics of state affairs that eventually are pivotal for smooth functioning of a state. More very intelligently presented religio-political design of the imaginary state as an epitome of perfection and then compared and contrasted the real life affairs of European states with the ideal standards of utopian state. Thus he was able to devise a mechanism whereby the efficacy and inefficacy of a state could be measured on an arbitrary scale. One very interesting development that was observed from his argument in search of perfect state was that though he had maintained complete religious tolerence for every faith he was also adament in establishing the fact that there was no room for atheism in the utopian society. It was the marriage of convenience since he was catholic in faith and being minority in England needed tolerance of faith but his devout Catholicism did not allow h im have anything to do with godless society. The ostensible reason given by him for this eerie prejudism was because an atheist does not accept any superior power he is

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financial Ratio Analysis On Company Performance Commerce Essay

Financial Ratio Analysis On Company Performance Commerce Essay Critically evaluating the financial analysis position of the two major UK based Companies BP plc and Royal Dutch Shell plc by calculating the ratios which seems to be an appropriate to bring-out the performance and the strategic financial management of the companies. BP PLC AT Glance BP is one of the worlds largest energy companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items with Core BP Brands are: Castrol Arco Aral Am Pm Wild bean cafà © Starting in 1908 with oil found in a rugged part of Persia after a long and difficult search. Still commencing its development in this 21st century with the long-term projects in Russia, the Gulf of Mexico, North America, Azerbaijan, Indonesia were it has a lot of oil and gas in the proverbial pipelines. The BP group operates across six continents, were products and services are available in more than 100 countries with 80,300 employees (at 31st Dec 2009).the sales and other operating revenues comes to $239 billion (2009).the number of service stations expanding to 22,400 with an active exploration and production in 30countries. SHELL PLC at Glance The parent company of the Shell group is Royal Dutch Shell plc, which is incorporated in England and Wales. Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies and headquarters are in The Hague, the Netherlands, were Chief Executive Officer is Peter Voser. Its aim is to meet the energy needs of society, in ways that are economically, socially and environmentally viable, now and in the future. The brand oils are: Shell Advance :-Shell Advance oils unique performance package is dedicated to bikes and bikers, backed by years of know-how and expertise in lubricants and biking experience. Shell Donax :-Shell Donax Heavy Duty Transmission fluids. Protecting the fleet and reducing the maintenance costs. Shell HelixHYPERLINK javascript:void(#):-Shell Helix motor oil contains active cleansing agents that continuously clean and protect the engine, allowing it to operate at its full potential. Shell Retinax :-The superior performance of Shell Retinax greases is recognised by many of the worlds leading truck manufacturers, many choosing Retinax as their factory-fill grease of first choice. Shell Rimula :-Shell Rimula is one of the worlds leading brands of heavy duty diesel engine oils with top quartile brand preference in many of the markets in which they operate. Shell Rotella :-Shell Rotella portfolio includes heavy duty diesel engine oils, coolants, multi grade oils, designed to provide excellent performance for vehicles, farm implements and construction equipment. Shell Spirax :-Shell Spirax is a leading brand of transmission and gear fluids. Shell Plc operates in above 90countries with 101,000 number of employees on sale of 145 billion litres of fuel. It produces 2% of worlds oil and 3% of worlds gas containing of 44,000 thousand shell service stations and above 35 refineries and chemical plants all over the world. What Is PIMS? Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy (PIMS) is a data base of the market profiles and business results of major American and European companies developed with intention of providing empirical evidence of which business strategies lead to success with in particular industries. Data from the study is used to craft strategies in strategic management and marketing strategy. The study identified several strategic variables that typically influence profitability. Some of the most important strategic variables studied were Market share Product quality Investment intensity Service quality The PIMS project was started by Sidney Schoeffler working at GE in the 1960s, then picked up by Harvards Management Science Institute in the early 1970s, and has been administered by the American Strategic Planning Institute since 1975. It was initiated by senior managers at GE who wanted to know why some of their business units were more profitable than others. With the help of Sidney Schoeffler they set up a research project in which each of their strategic business units reported their performance on dozens of variables. This was then expanded to outside companies in the early 1970s. The survey, between 1970 and 1983, involved 3,000 strategic business units (SBU), from 200 companies. Each SBU gave information on the market, within which they operated, the products they had brought to market and the efficiency of the strategies they had implemented. ( The PIMS project analysed the data they had gathered to identify the options, problems, resources and opportunities faced by each SBU. According to Tellis and Golder (1996) claim that PIMS defined markets too narrowly. Respondents described their market very narrowly to give the appearance of high market share. This self reporting bias makes the conclusions suspect. They are also concerned that no defunct companies were included, leading to survival markets. ( PIMS Between BP PLC and SHELL PLC BP operates at the frontiers of the energy industry wit world class assets, technology, and capability it knew how to meet the energy needs and deliver the long-term value. BP stays ahead of Shell in restructuring the efforts were the energy management have acknowledged more work is required and is to cut further 5,000 jobs globally in an effort of re-align the business to better meet the operational challenges into the global economic recovery. Shells third quarter 2009 earnings, on a current cost of supplies basis were $2.99 billon compared to $10.9 billion a year ago were the CCS earnings per share decreased by 72%in the same quarter and the cash flow operating activities also raised 42% from $12.6 billion (2009) to $7.35 billion (2008).When it comes to BP the profit fell to $4.98 billion compared to $10.03 billion an year earlier using the industry standard replacement cot profit calculation. The firm reduced the headcount by 3000 last year and is set to cut another 5,000 jobs by the end of 2009. Despite shells good operating performance in this difficult environment it is embarked on an ambitious programme of stringent measures to further improvement of performance .BP shares the remain favoured relative to shell for most buy and holds investors requiring the exposure to the firms relative progress in 2009 to maintain a trend. ( Performance P/L Sheet of BP PLC and SHELL PLC for the years 2009-08.   Transactions BP Shell 2009 2008 2009 2008 Revenue 239272 361143 278188 458361 Purchases 163772 266982 203075 359587 Gross profit 75500 94161 75113 98774 Production and manufacturing expenses 26954 35709 25301 25565 Selling and administrative expenses 14038 273441 18555 18136 Depreciation and amortization 12106 10985 14458 13656 Exploration expenses 1116 882 2178 1995 Net Interest and other income 5140 262095 6941 12579 Finance costs 1302 956 542 1181 Profit/loss before tax 25124 34283 21020 50820 Taxation 8365 12617 8302 24344 Profit/loss after tax for financial year 16759 21666 12718 26476 Fair Calculations of ratios are as follows Calculation of Selected Ratios for Companies Performance: Using the financial information of the companies the few selected ratios are calculated and explained as follows 1)  (ROCE) Return On Capital Employed =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2009 YR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2008 YR BP 15 22.35 SHELL 10.48 29.67 BP 2009= 15 BP 2008 = 22.35 Shell 2009=0.48 Shell 2008=29.67 Gross profit margin ratio tells the profit a company makes on its cost of sales or cost of goods sold. Here, BP shows an approx 7% fall in 2009 when compared to 2008. Shell shows a fall of 18% in 2009 which more compared to 2008. 2) Gross Profit Margin =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2009 YR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2008 YR BP 31.55 26.07 SHELL 27 21.55 BP 2009 = 31.55 Bp 2008= 26.07 Shell 2009 = 27 Shell 2008= 21.55 Gross profit margin ratio tells the profit a company makes on its cost of sales or cost of goods sold. Both the companies BP and Shell had show a result of 5.50% goods sold during 2009 which is quite better than the 2008. 3) Mark up =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2009 YR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2008 YR BP 46.10 35.27 SHELL 36.99 27.47 BP 2009=46.10 BP 2008= 35.27 Shell 2009= 36.99 Shell 2008= 27.47 Mark-up is the amount, or percentage, a trader adds to the cost price of goods, in order to achieve a profit. The mark-up is the profit percentage based on the cost of goods sold. Both the companies have showed an increase of 10% mark up price in 2009 than the previous year 2008. 4) Current ration =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2009 YR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2008 YR BP 1.14:1 0.95:1 SHELL 1.14:1 1.10:1 BP 2009= 1.14:1 Bp 2008= 0.95:1 Shell 2009=1.14:1 Shell 2008=1.10:1 Measuring the both companys efficiency and short-term liabilities gives out the current ratio of working capital. In the year 2009 BP and SHELL shows an equal ratio of efficiency than the year 2008. 5) ACID TEST RATIO =   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2009 YR   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2008 YR BP 0.76:1 0.17:1 SHELL 0.81:1 0.92:1 BP 2009 = 0.76:1 BP 2008= 0.17:1 SHELL 2009 = 0.81:1 SHELL 2008 =0.92:1 Quick or liquidity ratio is also known to be Acid test ratio. Working out with the current assets minus stock divided by current liabilities gives the value of the companys liquidity. This tells whether company have short term assets to cover the immediate liabilities without selling inventory. BP had given a quick raise of 0.60:1 between 2008-09 than the SHELL. Analytical Methods Suitable Horizontal Analysis: The analyzing of financial information for two or more years for a single company it is known as horizontal analysis. When comparing the amount in dollars computing percentage changes from year to year for all financial statement balances, such as cash and inventory. Trend analysis involves calculating each years financial statement balances as percentages of the first year known as the base year. For example the below horizontal analysis   table of the two companies are :- Horizontal Analysis 2009/2008 (%) BP Shell Revenue -33.75 -39.31 Purchases -38.66 -43.53 Gross profit -19.82 -23.95 Production and manufacturing expenses -24.52 -1.03 Selling, and administrative expenses -94.87 2.31 Depreciation and amortization 10.20 5.87 Exploration expenses 26.53 9.17 Net Interest and other income -98.04 -44.82 Finance costs 36.19 -54.11 Profit/loss before tax -26.72 -58.64 Taxation -33.70 -65.90 Profit/loss after tax for financial year -22.65 -51.96 Vertical Analysis: The term vertical analysis applies because each years figures are listed vertically on a financial statement. The total on the income statement is net sales revenue, while on the balance sheet it is total assets. This approach to financial statement analysis, also known as component percentages. Common-size balance sheets and income statements can be more easily compared, whether across the years for a single company or different companies.   Vertical Analysis 2009/2008 (%) BP Shell 2009 2008 2009 2008 Revenue 100 100 100 100 Purchases 68.45 73.93 73.00 78.45 Gross profit 31.55 26.07 27.00 21.55 Production and manufacturing expenses 11.27 9.89 9.09 5.58 Selling and administrative expenses 5.87 75.72 6.67 3.96 Depreciation and amortization 5.06 3.04 5.20 2.98 Exploration expenses 0.47 0.24 0.78 0.44 Net Interest and other income 2.15 72.57 2.50 2.74 Finance costs 0.54 0.26 0.19 0.26 Profit/loss before tax 10.50 9.49 7.56 11.09 Taxation 3.50 3.49 2.98 5.31 Profit/loss after tax for financial year 7.00 6.00 4.57 5.78

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

There is evidence that people from Asian were the first to cross over to North America via the land bridge.This hypothesis can be looked at in many different ways. Since the technology would have not been advanced, Asians would not have been able to easily navigate the vast ocean. This would force most of the population to travel by foot. These people would have left geological markers wherever they went. Pottery would be an important clue to what type of people discovered North America. Looking at how advanced the pottery is by looking at shape, texture, and durability would determine how advanced a civilization was. Comparing pottery from around the same time the land bridge occurred to pottery found in North America could determine if they had come from the same place. The technique and the style of the pottery would be a close resemblance of the pottery in Asia. Finding biological evidence would be more difficult since lineage cannot be traced that far back. Looking at similariti es in the Native American tribes and the people in ancient Asian might provide some, but not fully viable information on biological evidence. The first Americans possibly being big game hunters who migrated according to herds of animals could be answered with the concept of seasonal collapse. One would have to search for factors that affected those first Americans positively, and then examine the possibility of eliminating one of those factors, impairing these first Americans, causing them to pursue migrating herds in hope of finding another stable living environment. An additional interpretation regarding the migration of the first Americans was that they may have benefited in unexpected ways from this migration. The migration of animal herds took the... ... conclude that the shroud is not actually a biblical relic. Another way to verify the shroud would be to look at the culture of the people and their records. If the shroud has nothing to do with the burial ritual there is no way it could be connected to the crucifixion of Christ. Carbon dating would also be helpful in this situation. If the shroud dated back to biblical times, then there would be no way that it could be a fake. It would no doubt be a shroud that covered a crucified body; although it would be harder to conclude that the body was actually the one of Jesus’. Looking at records would be the next step. It would have to be concluded that the crucifixion of Jesus’ was the only Roman crucifixion that shoved a crown of thorns onto a man’s head. If this were true, the evidence would be abounding. There would be very little evidence to disclaim this as truth.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nutrition study worksheet

The topic I chose was eggs. The article (Marcela, 2011)feels organic eggs don't cause heart disease. The hens are feed vegetables and no vaccines or hormones that have made the eggs unhealthy. For Example: The hens are able to run free without being in a tight space with the other hens. Another example: Claims are made when you cook eggs the protein in the egg helps to lower your blood pressure instead of raising it.Organic eggs are one of the best foods a person can eat to stay lately (Marcela, 2011). 2. What health claims are stated in the articles, such as drinking coffee every day will lower one's risk for cancer? The health claims in article is Organic eggs are suppose to have less cholesterol, h less saturated fat 2/3 more vitamin A,E and seven times more carotene (Marcela, 2011). They are a good source of nutrients. The other article say eaten eggs will not extended your life on earth it will decrease it (Greer, 2011). 3.Do any of the articles' claims seem too good to be true? Does it seem that the authors are seeking personal gain in any way? Explain your answers. The article that seems too good to be true is the article on another reason to ignore warnings about eggs. I believe this person who wrote the article eats eggs and don't want to really believe the risk involved with eating eggs at all. I also believe the person who wrote the article may benefit from stating these claims. The article I feel seem to be true is (Greer, 2011)article on bad eggs.I do also believe the person who wrote this article is a vegan who doesn't like any type of eggs or dairy products and is against hens living together in such a small place. I also believe he may feel they all come from the same place. I feel it may be true because I do believe your cholesterol levels will go up high no matter what eggs you eat. I believe eggs could have salmonella poisoning in it and kill a lot of people as well as have people develop diabetes from eating eggs everyday. I don't believe th ey are a good source of proteins at all. . What are the respective sources of these articles (testimonials, peer-reviewed study)? Studies was done and 77% of women and 58% men eating one egg a day increase their chances of developing type 2 diabetes including premature death and earth failure (Greer, 2011) Studies also show eggs has nothing to do with raising a person's cholesterol levels even thou egg yolks will raise your cholesterol levels. They are also a rich source of antioxidants which helps to prevent blindness (Marcela, 2011). 5. 6.Is the information presented in each article new or has it been studied extensively over time, achieving the same results? Both articles have been studied overtime achieving the same results this moment but both have different opinions on eggs. Department of agriculture there was a 2009 study done on eggs and how they are a DOD source of vocative peptides. In 2005 research showed how people eating eggs everyday did not increase their risk of havi ng a heart attack and their cholesterol level did not increase. . Now that you have gone through the details of each article, do you have any reservations about the information in either one? If so, explain why. Has the process of analyzing the two articles changed your opinion on the topic? Explain your answer. Yes after analyzing the articles my opinion on eggs is very different. I use to think eggs were good for you. I am now convinced no eggs are good for you at all to eat. Your chances of living longer on earth can be shortened.I believe I was blinded by the commercials all my life on how eggs are nutritious for you but if you look at it they always say fresh eggs not healthy on commercials.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lord of the Flies & To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

John Quincy Adams once said â€Å"Always stand on your principle, even if you stand alone†. The two novels To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Lord of the Flies by William Golding, can greatly relate to this quote. The characters that are portrayed in both novels can really relate to one another in terms of the theme in the quote. Also the books themselves share similar themes and moral lessons. Atticus Finch from to kill a mocking bird is a character that plays a father; he is a strong role model and leader. Atticus is a wise man; he learns and teaches moral lessons to his children. Even though the odds are against his favor he still stands by his principle. Someone who can relate to Atticus Finch is Ralph from Lord of the flies. Ralph is a character in Lord of the flies that shows a great deal of leadership just like Atticus he stands by his principle and does whatever is right. Scout from to kill a mocking bird, is the daughter of Atticus Finch, she has very many opportunities to stand but her principle but she is rarely heard. But even though she is not really heard she takes initiative as much as possible. Piggy from Lord of the flies can relate to Scout, Piggy has so much potential to do more than he is capable of. Although Piggy always seems to find a way to get his ideas heard and recognized. Another comparison between the two novels is Miss Maudie and Simon because they are such honest people and that is one of their principles. Ralph and Atticus Finch both portray their characters as role models and leaders; Ralph in particular is a leader that does everything and stays with his accusations to prove that he is doing the right thing. The lord of the flies takes place on a deserted island after a dramatic plane crash and the only survivors are a bunch of little boys. Their first decision is to vote on a leader, the boys all chose Ralph as their leader. At the beginning of the novel, Ralph was leader, but when his followers decided to abandon him he stayed with his beliefs. He can relate to this quote because Ralph was standing on his principle even though he was alone. His friends chose to become savage beast and hunt, while Ralph stayed pure and civilized he showed that he knew his moral and stands up for what he believes in. Ralph comes across trouble thought when hes friends doubt his ideas and suggestions. When his friends turned his back on him, he still decided to stick to his ideas and his plan to be rescued and in the end it was worth it because they were saved. Another person that could relate to Ralph would be Atticus finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. Like Ralph, Atticus is another strong leader and independent leader, but in the novel To kill a mockingbird. Atticus relates to John Quincy Adams quote because Atticus fights for what he believes in, which is exactly what John Quincy Adams is meant by standing by your own principle. Atticus Finch plays a Father in working as a lawyer in the novel, but he lives in a time of discrimination and prejudice. A part of the story is when Atticus is appointed to defend Tom Robinson; a black man that was accused of raping a white woman. Atticus knows that the jury will be prejudice and that there is a slim chance that Tom Robinson will win the case. Even though he knows this information he still does everything in his power to defend Tom. Atticus says that he has nothing but pity for the jury and that he is disappointed that there society is like this (Lee 213). Atticus is a character that truly does stand by his principle and shows respect and leadership. Ralph and Atticus can relate to each other because they have similar characteristics and stand by their principles. Piggy is a character from Lord of the Flies that is discouraged. Piggy plays a huge role in the novel; he is wise and has the potential and the right to be heard. Piggy in the novel was the reason that the boy had fire, he was picked on and his ideas were ignored because of the way he looked. Piggy was wise he had ideas such as making sundials and hats. Ideas like these could have really helped the boys in being successful in being rescued. Piggy was wise and the boys failed to recognize this. When Ralph was abandoned by the boys that wanted to join Jacks hunting tripe it was only Piggy, Simon, Samneric and a few littleuns. With such little people, Ralph and Piggy talked and Piggy was hears and finally recognized for his ideas and wisdom. Piggy has a lot of smart ideas that could be implemented. He can relate to the quote by John Quincy Adams because he doesn’t give up, even though he is alone, he finds a way to be heard. Scout Finch and Piggy are character that can relate to each other, and to the quote said by John Quincy Adams. Scout is a character that plays Atticus’ daughter. Scout is very smart for her age, and has many bright ideas. Although this is true her ideas are not as recognized as they should just because of her age, she is much wiser than she appears to but is not recognized for it. â€Å"We don’t write in the first grade, we print. You won’t learn to write until you’re in the third grade. † (Lee 23). This shows that Scout truly does stand by her principles but she is not recognized for it. Scout respects her father very much, but even though this is true she still denies his judgments, if she believes it is the right thing to do. An example if this would be when the Sarum group visited Atticus Finch and threatened him, Scout, Jem and dill all came to protect him. Even though Atticus told his children to return home they stayed there, this ended up helping Atticus bypass the sarum group after all. Simon is a character in Lord of the Flies that portrays a mature and wise. Simon is very honest. When Simon is told that there is a â€Å"beastie† loose on the island he adventures off on his own. He comes across a hanging parachute and realized that, the parachute was the beastie all along. When Simon knew that there could not be such thing as a beastie, he searched for the truth. Simon shows that he stayed with his principles and was determined to find the truth. He does not keep this new found information to himself or only to Ralphs tribe but he tells both Ralph and Jacks tribe. He was honest and wants to make life on the island a lot easier for the boys. He was generous enough to tell the tribes, but it was too late because Jacks tribe was so paranoid about the beastie and that he accidentally killed Simon. Although Simon had died trying to help he kept his principles in mind Simon showed how determined he was to be honest and set his friends straight. The quote by John Quincy Adams can have a lot of themes to express one of those themes that I could tell is honesty. Miss Maudie is a character in To Kill a Mockingbird that plays an honest woman. When Scout asks Miss Maudie about Arthur Radley and if all the rumors about him are true, Miss Maudie sets her straight and gives her full and honest opinion about Arthur Radley (Lee 48). This shows that Miss Maudie shows her moral conscience by admitting to Scout her honest opinion. She is also standing by her principle and passing on her wisdom to Scout. She tells Scout to find the truth and not create rumors and gossip about something that is not for certain. Miss Maudie shows a great deal of respect to the people around her. She stood by her principle as John Quincy Adams said. The quote represents honesty and Miss Maudie is a good example of honesty. There are many relations between the two novels and the quote. The quote by John Quincy Adams â€Å"Always stand on your principle, even if you stand alone† has themes that do relate to the themes and character in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird and Lord of the Flies. Atticus Finch and Ralph both show there leader ship and determination, when times are tough they persevere and try their hardest to make things right. This shows how determined they are to stand by their principle. Also Piggy and Scout, there are two completely different characters that play the same role. They both have such great potential to be a more recognized character; even though they seem ignored they both stand by their principles and become recognized. Simon and Miss Maudie two completely different people yet so similar in the sense that they are honest to one another. Overall there are many comparisons between these two novels and that they both have themes and characters that relate to standing by your principle.